The StereoNET community comprises unique individuals from all walks of life and vastly different backgrounds. We're brought together solely by our passion for all things audio and video and our desire to share, learn, and for the enjoyment of our hobby.

By registering as a member and participating in the forums, you agree to abide by these guidelines, which the Administration and Volunteer Moderators uphold.

These guidelines should be read in conjunction with our Privacy PolicyCookie Policy, and Disclaimer.

The Spirit of StereoNET

These guidelines ensure a safe and friendly space for consumers, enthusiasts, and professionals seeking advice and wishing to share and learn more. They also create and protect the "Spirit of StereoNET", which the Administration and Volunteer Moderator teams uphold.

General Guidelines | Warnings, Dispute Handling & Support | Copyright | Defamation | Classifieds Guidelines | Commercial Interests Policy | Fine Print


General Guidelines

  • StereoNET is a family-friendly publication.
    Ensure the content you contribute (images, text, video, etc.) is 'work safe' and not offensive. 
  • Recognise that people come from diverse backgrounds and may have differing beliefs and practices.
    Don’t post anything that denigrates or vilifies a person, group or organisation on any basis (gender, race, religion, political beliefs, socio-economic status, sexual preference, country of birth, disability, physical characteristic, etc.).
  • Respect other viewpoints, and avoid circular and repetitive arguments.
    Discussion, by its very nature, consists of varying viewpoints. It's OK to disagree, but be constructive with your arguments. 
  • Know when to move on and ensure your participation is for enjoyment.
    Avoid repeating the same arguments, no matter how valid you might think your point is - it is divisive and will attract potential sanctions. Disengage and move on.
  • 'Baiting' or harassment of other members is not acceptable.
    Relentlessly bothering another member or following an argument with them across multiple threads will be considered hostile and baiting and handled accordingly.
  • Be passionate, not irate.
    Passion is welcomed and encouraged. You will attract moderator attention if your posts become overly inflammatory, angry, or personal. 
  • Be balanced and assume positive intent.
    Context and tone can often be lost in online communication. Rather than taking offence, try to be kind and assume the other party means well.
  • Public Criticism of Moderation actions is not permitted.
    It’s OK to disagree with the actions of the Administration or Volunteer Moderators, just not in public. Instead, make contact using the Support options provided below. Please appreciate that you may not have the whole story behind the decision. 
  • Multiple forum accounts or attempts to hide your identity are not permitted.
    Members are not permitted to register multiple accounts or aliases. If this happens, Members will have all accounts linked to them deleted. VPNs are discouraged, and IP addresses associated with VPNs, also commonly used by scammers and spammers, are automatically banned by our system.
  • StereoNET is strictly for private enthusiasts and consumers and should not be used for commercial purposes or advantage.
    Except for official sponsors and approved advertisers, StereoNET is not to be used to promote a brand, product or company for financial advantage or profit.
  • Airing Grievances with Industry Members / Retailers or other members.
    StereoNET should not be used to name, shame or air grievances with businesses or other members. Try to resolve your issue with the business directly. If your problem relates to a StereoNET member, use the Support process to bring it to our attention. 
  • The Signature, Avatar, Profile Fields, and Profile Background should not be used for any social, political, moral, or ethical views.
    You will receive a request from moderators to change or remove any such infringing aspects of your profile. Attempts to reinstate any infringing aspects will constitute a breach of guidelines and you may receive a warning or suspension.


Warnings, Dispute Handling & Support

When a member acts or behaves outside these guidelines or is considered 'not in the spirit of StereoNET', the Administration and Volunteer Moderator team will intervene. This may include a verbal warning asking them to move on or an official warning recorded against their profile. Additionally, and in certain instances, an account may be temporarily suspended. Official warnings also accrue points; once they reach (5) points, participation in the forums may be revoked indefinitely.

  • To bring a thread or post to the Moderator's attention.
    Report the post or thread in question and explain the reasons you feel this thread or post needs intervention.
  • To discuss an issue in more detail with Administration.
    Under no circumstances should you PM or contact a Volunteer Moderator or Administration directly. A Support system is in place, which in the first instance is via the Support Forum, or where more discretion is required, the Support Ticket system should be used.


By posting on StereoNET, you automatically grant StereoNET, its publishers and its successors or assigns an irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable and worldwide right and license to modify, publish and reproduce that material in perpetuity without any compensation to you. 

You will not necessarily have the ability to edit or delete your posts. StereoNET reserves the right to prevent editing and deletion of posts. If you need something updated, Report your post along with the reason and required changes. However, whether to edit, hide or delete any content is strictly at the discretion of StereoNET.



Any member posting on StereoNET should pay careful attention to what they say and how they say it. We are not a billboard for defamation of character/libel, and we will act to censure those involved in such acts. Not only do you expose yourself in such situations, but you also potentially expose the website publishers to unwanted risk. Please ensure that your posts and messages are devoid of any defamatory content.


Classifieds Guidelines

In addition to these Website Guidelines, a separate set of guidelines is maintained governing the use of the Classifieds forums. You can read those here.


Commercial Interests Policy

StereoNET welcomes members with commercial interests. However, your contribution must abide by these guidelines. These additional rules apply to you if you manufacture, retail, repair, design, or if you are connected to the audio-visual industry and receive income from the industry.

These rules exist to prevent advertising or self-promotion, as well as minimising conflict between members of the industry. StereoNET always expects the highest level of professionalism from those working within the industry.


  • Signatures -  All commercial members are expected to declare their interest in their signatures. A brief description will suffice, for example: Manufacturer of XYZ Audio. Unless you are an active StereoNET sponsor or advertiser, you cannot link to your external website, include contact information or use an image in your signature.
  • Avatar / Profile Image - You can upload your company logo as your avatar.
  • You may not start a topic promoting your business or product, nor may you reply to a thread recommending your business or product. For example, if someone asks, "what speakers should I buy?" you may not answer the question by suggesting your speakers. The only exception is within the designated sponsor's area, and even then, only by StereoNET sponsors and advertisers.
  • You may not denigrate the product of a competitor nor use StereoNET to further business disputes. This includes questioning design choices, pricing, or making slurs. It does not matter if you think your answer is factual, e.g. "brand XXX has a very poor reliability record". Whilst it may be true, such statements are not allowed by members with commercial interests.
  • You MAY respond to specific questions about your product if a question has been asked, but please keep your answers factual and to the point. You may not encourage them to contact you for pricing or other sales-related discussion.
  • The Classifieds section is for private sellers only. It is not intended to be an outlet for secondhand gear dealers. Sponsors and Advertisers may use the Commercial Classifieds forum to promote commercial goods for sale.
  • Spam and blatant advertising will result in an immediate ban for a first-time offence with no questions asked.


The Fine Print

StereoNET and its publishers assume no responsibility for errors or omissions in any provided information, software or other data on its website ("materials"). Any materials accessible on or through the website are provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties. All warranties are excluded to the maximum extent allowable at law. Further, StereoNET does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within the materials. StereoNET shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, which may result from the use of the materials. The materials are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of StereoNET in the future. StereoNET does not warrant and disclaims any responsibility or liability in regard to system performance, availability, data protection, or reliability. By using the website, you release StereoNET and its publisher from any liability or loss of, or damage to, or errors in, data, information, images, posts, member records, member status or any information you post, upload or which pertains to you. By registering with StereoNET or continuing to use it, you agree to indemnify the publisher and hold it harmless from all loss or damage suffered by it, however arising, as a result of your actions or from materials posted by you. By registering with StereoNET or continuing to use it, you indemnify the publisher and hold it harmless from any claim by you relating to your personal information or other confidential information and release the publisher from any claims relating thereto.

Access and use of StereoNET is a privilege allowed at the absolute discretion of the Administration and Volunteer Moderators. StereoNET representatives may moderate, suspend, ban or exclude you from use of the website at its absolute discretion and without providing reasons to you for its actions. By registering with StereoNET or continuing to use it, you expressly acknowledge this term and agree that it is reasonable, having regard to the nature of StereoNET.